More and more we probably would consider this “the most hectic time of the year” instead of “the most wonderful time of the year.” Why is that? It’s because we often allow ourselves to get caught up and swept along in the season rather than slowing down and intentionally making space to, well Joy to the World says it best: Let every heart prepare Him room. Do we have room for the Prince of Peace in our lives?
All the way back in the Old Testament, Psalm 23 introduces us to a main piece of the quality and nature of just who God is for His people, The Lord who is our Shepherd. But, also in that passage we’re told that God also is our Peace. Psalm 23:2: He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside the quiet waters.
We know, especially at this time of year, that this is easier said than done. Who has time to lie down? How has the availability in their schedules to be led beside quiet waters? It sounds good, but we’re so busy, distracted, and stubborn, that we won’t go willingly. That’s why the Shepherd who is our Prince of Peace is said to “make us lie down.” There are gentle nudges of the Spirit at times, then there are those times where we are seeking things to occupy us when God may be wanting us to settle our souls on Him. Do you know what happens when we allow Him to do that? Psalm 23:3 tells us: He refreshes our soul.
We need to do a better Job of praying to the God of Peace, in Hebrew, Jehovah Shalom. Shalom means peace, but it is much deeper than what we consider peace. Shalom peace goes beyond the absence of unrest and conflict. It includes wholeness, completeness, and wellness. When we declare, “God, You are my Peace…Jesus, You are my Prince of Peace,” we’re acknowledging and reminding ourselves that we have a deep need of rest and restoration.
Look around (or within or in the mirror!) and stress, anxiety, and depression are at all-time highs. Even believers carry worry like anyone else. Work. Finances. Relationships. Well-being. We’re not immune, but our response should be different. God doesn’t just offer peace TO our lives in these situations. He IS our peace. When we learn to rest in Him, surrendering our inner and outer turmoil in worship, we find there the peace of God which transcends all understanding. (Philippians 4:7) This is the peace of Jesus Himself, the peace He promised to His followers: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)
What might slowing down look like for you today? Perhaps it means setting aside your phone for an hour, saying no to an unnecessary obligation, or spending time in prayer and Scripture. Like sheep guided by their shepherd, we thrive when we follow God’s lead.
Let the green pastures and still waters remind you of this truth: God is not only the source of peace—He is peace. When you align your life with His pace and priorities, you’ll find restoration for your soul and a supernatural sense of safety that no circumstance can shake.
“He refreshes my soul” (Psalm 23:3). Will you allow Him to restore yours today?